Chaplin has support for guest posts. That means that if you were to have another blogger write on your blog, just edit the YAML front matter like so: author: Guest Name profile_picture: Source for the Picture author_site: Author's Presence online...
Read MoreChaplin is a minimalistic, mobile friendly theme for Jekyll. The Documentation for it is available on this website itself. You can check out the source on GitHub
Chaplin is a minimalistic, mobile friendly theme for Jekyll. It features: Guest Posts Comments with Disqus Author’s Page Author’s Profile Picture, Short Bio. Pagination using jekyll-paginate Syntax Highlighting for code RSS Feed Google Analytics Full Documentation on the Demo website....
Read MoreInstallation Installation is easy. Simply download the theme here and run bundle exec jekyll serve inside the directory. However, before going live, set the following variables in _config.yml url : This is the base url of your website. If you...
Read MoreYou’ll find this post in your _posts directory. Go ahead and edit it and re-build the site to see your changes. You can rebuild the site in many different ways, but the most common way is to run jekyll serve,...
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