Installation is easy. Simply download the theme here and run bundle exec jekyll serve
inside the directory.
However, before going live, set the following variables in _config.yml
: This is the base url of your website. If you are hosting on GitHub, it should be set to
for example.baseurl
: This is the subpath of your site. If you are hosting on GitHub, in a repository namedBlog
, then it should be set to/blog
: Set this to your google analytics tracking id.
Change other variables under User Settings in _config.yml
as you see fit.
Note: Don’t change any variable under Build Settings.
To change the font for the heading, change the
variable in_config.yml
To create a new post, simply save the
file in the_posts
directory in the format.
For Syntax highlighting, Chaplin uses Rouge which is the default highlighter in Jekyll 3 and above. If you don’t know how to highlight a code block, refer.
To set up Google Analytics tracking id, just set the
variable in_config.yml
. You also need to setgoogle_analytics
To use Disqus for Comments, copy the universal code from disqus’ website, and copy it in
MIT. Copyright (c) Ankit Sultana